When you save, the growth that savings benefit from will depend on the interest that accumulates, together with any additional bonuses that may be available. For example, a lifetime ISA benefits from both interest payable by the provider, plus a 25% bonus payable by the government. So it’s important to choose the right plan because the return can differ greatly between the many savings vehicles available on the market.
When you invest, you are using your capital to buy assets. The growth of these assets will depend on the income they generate and the change in their value over time. The relationship between the value of an asset and the income it generates is known as the asset’s yield. For example, an asset that is valued at £100,000 and generates an income of £5,000 per year, is said to have a 5% yield (£5,000 expressed as a percentage of £100,000 = 5%). Yield analysis is an important aspect of successful investing, together with risk analysis, tax treatment, currency considerations and, most importantly, the type and distribution of assets.
We assess your saving and investment needs/objectives and develop a strategy to meet these goals over the chosen time horizon. We then manage and adjust this strategy, over time, consistent with the evolution of the market your money is invested in. Your investment strategy should be dynamic because change is an ever-present factor within every market. We guide you through that change and make adjustments, where appropriate.